This website contains, my personal opinions and should not be mistaken for medical or healthcare advice.
All recipes, posts, references, links and recommendations on Belle Esprit are provided to inspire you, your friends and your family to live a more , balanced, nourishing, happier and healthier life.
And although I’ve spent a great deal of time studying and researching the benefits of wholefoods, cleansing, and nutrition I strongly believe that it’s vitally important for individuals to make their own health and dietary decisions based upon their own personal research and in partnership with a qualified professional or medical practitioner.
Therefore please be aware that any statements or claims about the possible health benefits of the foods or supplements I personally use and support have not been evaluated by medical professionals and understand that any content posted on this website and blog is based on my own research, studies, experiences and opinions.
Neither is any of the content on this site intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any sort of illness or disease.
My tips and advice work for me and clients a like, but understand that they may not work for everyone.
This website is written as a source of positive inspiration and information only and not to substitute the advice of a qualified professional or medical practitioner whom should always be consulted with before starting any new diet, exercise or health program alike.
Belle Esprit Balanced.Nourished.Free, expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects arising from the use or application of the information contain herein.
This is a positive space for you to enjoy. Just remember to always trust your own instincts and always do what works best for you!
Thank you,
Belle Esprit